On-Premise Server (SOPS) Setup


The SyncSign on-premise deployment server is the managing bridge between the data source (e.g., calendar system) and the SyncSign Hubs/Displays. It’s a standalone and compact hardware device, which can be installed within the company’s infrastructure. The main advantage is that the data are not going outside your company’s network.


We provides three fulfillment options for SyncSign On-Premise System (SOPS),

  1. Hardware server with preinstalled software.

  2. A downloadable virtual machine package, which runs on the desktop computer or server inside your office.

  3. An importable machine image to create a computing instance that runs directly on the cloud service provider, such as AWS, Azure Cloud, or Google Cloud (Available soon).


Virtual Machine

  • Purchase the license and download the VM image from SyncSign

  • Install the latest virtual machine software:

  • Once the VirtualBox installed, click the syncsign-sops-xxx.ova file to import.

  • Start the virtual machine and wait for the instruction to appear on the screen console.

  • Then you will see the URI to open the installation web page:


Cloud Computing Instance

The instruction to import as the AWS EC2 Instance is coming soon.


Virtual Machine

  • Open the link appears on the screen console (e.g., with a browser

  • You will be redirected to an install page. Input your email and license ID (as obtained from SyncSign)

  • Remember to modify the generated password and save it in a secure way.

  • Watch this video for a walkthrough on how to setup the server.

Cloud Computing Instance

The instruction to setup the cloud computing instance is coming soon.


Basic Setup

Setup Data Sources

The SOPS support integration with multiple data sources:

  • Google Calendar / G-Suite

  • Microsoft Office 365

  • Microsoft Exchange Server

  • NextCloud Calendar

  • CalDav Calendar

  • CSV file

  • Google Sheets

Secure Enhancement

Although its possible to use the SOPS with http scheme (e.g. http://<sops-ip-address>). it’s better to setup a TLS encrypted communication.

Before proceed, please prepare this at hand:

  • A domain name you owned

  • The SSL/TLS certificates purchased from a trusted source (or use a self-signed certificates)


  • Sign-in the SOPS portal, go to [Settings]>[Connection]

  • Setup a domain that you are going to visit the SOPS portal and endpoints

  • Modify the DNS A record and point it to this domain. Now you should be able to open the portal with http://<your-sops-domain>

  • Click the “Enable SSL/TLS communication” checkbox, then upload the root certificates and private key to the portal


Web Serivces by SOPS

  • Managing Web Portal: https://<your-sops-domain>

  • Legacy Web Portal: https://<your-sops-domain>/m

  • Web App for QR-Scan-Booking: https://<your-sops-domain>/booking

  • Web App for Tablet Display: https://<your-sops-domain>/tablet

  • API Endpoint: https://<your-sops-domain>/api/v1

Add A Hub to the SOPS

Add A Display Node to the SOPS