Release Notes¶
IoT Hub¶
✨ 2.0.1 (2025-02-11)
For D75C-LEWI (BLE Only) with a URL in the template, the Hub supports sending the Wi-Fi configuration of its own connection to Display (WPA / WPA2 / WPA2-Enterprise / WPA3 / Open).
Requires D75C-LEWI v1.7.6
For BLE Only Displays (D29C & D42C) where a URL exists in the template, the Hub supports sending the image to the Display after download.
Requires D29C & D42C v1.7.6
Bug Fixes
Fixed known bugs
✨ 2.0.0 (2024-12-12)
ESP-IDF version is updated to v4.4.8.
Refresh Logo by remote command without waiting for a calendar event.
Restrictions on some Display lists in Hub Web Portal.
Bug Fixes
Canceled Bluetooth connection attempt after three attempts to connect to a device that is not online.
Fix an error after sending Wi-Fi configuration to Node via Hub Web Portal.
Fix the issue that remote commands do not refresh SyncNet devices.
Devices that don’t belong to the same account are not reawakened.
Fixed known bugs
✨ 1.9.9 (2024-07-19)
Supports sending stencils and logos to D75C-LEWI via BLE.
Optimize the speed of bulk device updates.
Bug Fixes
Fixed known bugs
✨ 1.9.7 (2024-05-27)
Bug Fixes
Hub Web Portal Test Template Adjustment.
Fix some remote commands not working.
✨ 1.9.5 (2023-07-21)
Bug Fixes
Fixed known bugs
✨ 1.8.4 (2023-03-25)
Bug Fixes
Fixed known bugs
✨ 1.7.9 (2023-01-10)
Bug Fixes
Fixed known bugs
Added two new BLE Displays
Added four new BLE Sensors
✨ 1.6.7 (2021-12-30)
Bug Fixes
Fixed some bugs
Optimized the process of node roaming and joining hub
Support Dutch Local
Optimized the hub Ethernet option. Hub can automatically connect back to the Internet with Ethernet after the power supply is restored.
✨ 1.6.5 (2021-08-30)
Bug Fixes
Fixed some bugs
Add a template that can support customizing the text field
Optimized signal displaying
✨ 1.6.2 (2021-07-28)
Bug Fixes
General bug fixed
Added new model 7.5C-800
General stability and performance improvements
✨ 1.5.1 (2021-06-08)
Bug Fixes
hub when the node wasn’t selected with calendar template, in default, will be assigned with the template for 4.2-Inch Display
2.9-Inch Display and 4.2-Inch Display supports online upgrade
✨ 1.4.8 (2021-04-08)
Bug Fixes
Fix known bugs
hub If the hub is unable to connect to the network for a long time, the unreported temperature and humidity sensor data will be saved to disk when the hub performs a maintenance restart
✨ 1.4.3 (2021-04-03)
Bug Fixes
PAN When there are too many office365 events, the screen cannot be updated
node In some cases, the node cannot be re-paired
Restart Support maintenance restart without resetting the SyncNet network
✨ 1.3.6 (2021-03-03)
Locale Supported Slovenian locale
Bug Fixes
PAN Maintenance restart will not reset the PAN chip
Beacon Reduce the duty cycle of beacon
Micropython The underlying micropython is updated to the latest library
Restart Solved the occasional restart problem
Restart Changed the auto restart period to >24h
Sensor Regarding the bug that the sensor reports data in certain situations;
Sensor The temperature and humidity data that has not been uploaded successfully will be saved during maintenance restart
✨ 1.2.24 (2020-12-08)
Roaming Roaming function
Display Model 1009/100A
Render separation of template and content (but if the node under the same hub has an old version, then the node with the old version is still updated with the previous method)
Pref Communication Perf test
Button send setup button message to hub
Sleep SLEEP function
Pollrate reduce the amount of data communication during off-hours (For SyncNet protocol, it is the beacon cycle corresponding to SLEEP; For ZigBee protocol, it is the pollrate set as 40s)
Heartbeat set heartbeat interval / heartbeat dynamic adjustment
LED #1009 RGB LED on the side
Trigger #1009 The button on the front will trigger a message to the Hub (Available on the log)
Display Even with the three-color ink screen, it also displays: trying to join a hub… (2.9/7.5 inch version to be tested)
Heartbeat reduce the heartbeat interval to save energy
Button After disconnection, once any button is triggered, it will search to join the network immediately
Interval More intensive rejoin time interval: 5s 10s 15s 40s 80s 120s 160s 16.6m 33.3m 1h
Rendering Speed up the rendering speed of 2.9-inch display
LED 2.9-inch display LED indicates immediately when starting, let users know that the battery is installed in place
Node Any packet can play the role of heartbeat, as long as it is successfully sent to the hub, the counting will restart, and the node will postpone it for a period of time before sending the heartbeat
Button Give feedback on the final result of render execution (Hub also waits for the report for ZigBee versions after v1.55)
Maintenance maintenance restart (Performed every 128 hours, the screen content will not change)
Transmission Changed to measure the power once every 32 data transmissions; and only measure during the signal transmission phase (the voltage is pulled down)
Battery When the battery is low, an indicator icon appears on the screen
Battery Perform battery detection at startup, if the battery is too low, the ‘welcome’ screen will not be updated
Display the Red, Black and White version of 2.9-inch display (1008/1009), the icon should also be displayed when going online and offline
Pollrate In order to cope with the reduction of pollrate, the cc2530 version v2.9.5 of hub has changed the data retention time from 14s to 42s (a large amount of unicast data may cause znp to crash)
Bug Fixes:
Broadcast Fixed: When receiving broadcast information, no response such as ACK should be given
Fixed Wrapping issue on the content (Latin special characters)
Content Center and right alignment of content
Word If there is only one word in the text filed, and it is too long, that word cannot be displayed.
Display Sometimes even though the network connection is successful, the screen of the display still shows Trying to join a hub…
☂️ 1.2.0 (2020-11-11)
SOPS Support customized Webhook
Sensor Support smart window & door sensor/water leak sensor
☂️ 1.1.15 (2020-10-29)
Bug Fixes
Render The logo and battery status uploading issue when the display hasn’t been bound to any Calendar
📟 1.1.12 (2020-10-17)
Bug Fixes
Render Hub’s API not works for display node without calendar integration; render result always fails
📟 1.1.11 (2020-09-25)
Bug Fixes
Calendar: Add new trusted SSL certificates, since Microsoft modified it’s Office 365 server root certificates
Render Limits the X position to avoid display dead
🍺 1.1.0 (2020-08-28)
Bug Fixes
Render Fulfill the latest render request while the hub recovers from offline/power failure
Render Use the same filter to process all data sources (NODE_NAME, NODE_ID, SN, WEATHER_ICON, Chinese font etc.)
Render ALIGN=RIGHT/CENTER incorrect position on multiple lines
Render Font height of ROBOTO_SLAB 48
Render When changing default templates, no need to reboot the Hub
System remote log diagnostic crashes the network stack
LED Allow user to set LED brightness in “Hub Portal” > “Hub” > “LED”
OTA OTA triggered by Mobile /Web App, and report progress
SSL Allow developer to edit built-in trusted root certificate (http://<hub_portal>/setup/certs)
SSL Add ‘COMODO RSA Certification Authority’ to trusted root
BEEP Don’t beep while restarts by watchdog, or OTA
Portal Show current linked user info
PAN remember the lastSeen for sensor nodes
Render Font support most common latin characters (0x20 to 0x2AF, IPA Extensions)
Render Remote the heading ‘0’ from 12-hour clock format
Known Issue
Render When changing locale (Region/Language) over the Web/Mobile App, the hub must be restarted to take effect
🍺 1.0.12 (2020-06-19)
Bug Fixes
fix(cal): Office 365: recurring events cannot show the following events
fix(cal): Office 365: unable to [end now]/[extend] for an event created by other employees
fix(sops): connect to SOPS with scheme http made possible
feature(render): support BITMAP_URI for non-WiFI nodes
enhance(sensor): behaviour improvement for occupancy sensor
😷 1.0.10 (2020-04-30)
Bug Fixes
fix(render): template status cache problem
fix(system): reboot if network failure persists
feature(render): support BITMAP_URI for non-WiFI nodes
fix(pan): add beep on pairing
😷 1.0.2 (2020-04-16)
Bug Fixes
fix(net): constant reboots in some Ethernet connection
fix(sys): sometimes unable to reboot when triggered by watchdog
fix(portal): use new format of On-Premise Server configuration
fix(sensor): IoT sensor offline detection
fix(sensor): incorrect 0 degree temperature data collected
fix(setup): BLE setup compatibility with new iPhone/iOS
fix(ota): OTA fails in some network/Ethernet
feature(sys): support using SyncSign Provisioning App to setup
feature(sys): switch between SyncSign Cloud and On-Premise Server
feature(render): support BITMAP_URI for non-WiFI nodes
enhance(sys): double the speed of memory R/W
enhance(render): speed up the rendering
enhance(fs): upgrade to the file system with wear-leveling protection
enhance(sensor): blink the LED when new sensor data uploaded
⏰ 0.9.2 (2020-03-10)
Bug Fixes
fix(cal): daylight saving time issue
feature(portal): support uploading On-Premise Server configuration
feature(portal): support to show if On-Premise Server are connected
feature(sys): added automatic restart mechanism
feature(locale): support for German
🏆 0.8.0 (2020-01-15)
Bug Fixes
fix(pan): trigger refresh message wait for at least POLL rate + 1 second
fix(portal): send image progress no response
fix(logo): D290 logo transpose problem
fix(menu): send menu config to node (language support)
fix(cal): default template set by APP does not take effect
feature(sensor): support occupancy sensor and temperature & humidity sensor
feature(ota): LEDs will change during OTA
🍀 0.6.1 (2019-12-11)
Bug Fixes
fix(portal): rename all URLs
fix(ota): progress is sometimes displayed incorrectly during OTA
fix(plugin): plugin path changed from /data to /data/plugin
fix(certs): add Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2 (from Amazon Trust Services certificate), add more certs for & aliyun OSS endpoint
fix(arequests): allow up to 5 redirects
fix(pan): extend heartbeat interval from the 30s to 60s (for nodes version since v1.31)
fix(portal): sometimes, cannot view the log from the admin/log page
fix(setup): to associate accounts using mDNS, you must first enter setup mode
fix(portal): use cookie-session method to replace BASIC AUTH sign-in mode
Performance Improvements
enhance(blink): reduce the brightness of the LED during standard work
enhance(render): disable debug print to speed up the refresh (affect debug mode only)
🚀 0.5.0 (2019-11-28)
Bug Fixes
fix(arequests): support trusted CA certs verify
fix(language): chinese display blank
fix(SDK): update display with queue
fix(portal): move mDNS to normal zone
fix(setup): fixed crash in setup mode
feature(SDK): the result of getPanNodesInfo function contains signalLevel and batteryLevel
feature(template): QRCode supports displaying the SN of the hub and the id of the display. Refer to SDK Text escape
🌎 0.4.23 (2019-11-19)
Bug Fixes
fix(ota): disable OTA if the OTA option is turned off
fix(ota): add timeout, retry, and reduce MTU to 1024 to speed up the downloading
feature(plugin): support for running plugin from /data partition
fix(uasyncio): server use finally to close sockets in case of exception
feature(network): support built-in BonJour / Multicast-DNS (mDNS) service
Performance Improvements
enhance(portal): show progress and results of OTA upgrade for hub and display from the progress bar
🎃 0.4.18 (2019-11-05)
Bug Fixes
fix(asyncio): check pending bytes before polling the underlayer socket (in some network, the data goes to mbedTLS quite fast, and nothing left on the native socket to read, thus, the poll will hangup until timeout)
fix(nodes): add node and remove node cause occasionally not adding the node to the server
fix(portal): minor UI fix
fix(font): some fonts cannot show full bottom base-line
feature(pan): when 7.5-inch node online, and no config uploaded yet add a queue to refresh the config data (WiFi at this moment)
fix(portal): add a note for API, and print more info when in oops
fix(portal): file upload with current file name selected
feature(portal): Support for entering a setup token from the portal to associate SyncSign APP accounts
feature(portal): reset the PAN and assign the channels on the portal
feature(render): support assets(bitmap) from URI (for 7.5 inch only)
fix(portal): show PAN ID and channel on Hub portal
Performance Improvements
enhance(calendar): support for getting calendar events with an unauthorized level of administrator
enhance(setup): if the configuration network fails, it will remain in setup mode, no need to press the setup button again.
enhance(portal): add pie chart for hub storage
enhance(render): load font’s attributes array only when necessary, to speed up the system boot
🌲 0.4.6 (2019-09-25)
Bug Fixes
fix(asyncio): set timeout for wrap_socket(), which is doing TLS handshake, otherwise, it might hang up in some network situation
fix(request): make sure all exception is captured, and the lock is released
fix(template): support for a different date and time formats
feature(wifi): support for connecting wifi with enterprise-level encryption(WPA2 Enterprise PEAP)
fix(template): supports the setting of the default template for multi-size display and the template settings for a single display
💥 0.4.3 (2019-09-11)
The first release of 8MB Hub
7.5-Inch e-Ink Display¶
🐑 1.76 (2025-02-13)
Support remote logging in Display Portal
New alert text
Supports connection to WPA2-Enterprise & Open encryption type Wi-Fi
Support configured Wi-Fi overlay each other
Bug Fixes
Fixed some known bugs
🎄 1.66 (2021-12-30)
Optimize WiFi-only mode
Bug Fixes
Fixed some known bugs
🎄 1.65 (2021-06-01)
Added templates for D75C-800 Display
Optimized the display of some pages
Bug Fixes
Fixed some known bugs
🎄 1.55 (2020-12-04)
feature(Render): Support preset templates, reduce data transmission amount
feature(PAN): Support SyncNet Protocol
Bug Fixes
fix(Rendor):: Fixed the issue of the screen cannot be rendered when the offset X/Y of the template is out of range
fix(Rendor): Increased the line spacing of the font
fix(Rendor): Fixed the issue of the fonts cannot be displayed for large blocks
📺 1.52 (2020-10-14)
Bug Fixes
fix(ota): ensure the OTA is not interrupted by rendering (while trigger-to-wake-up)
fix(setup): unable to enter General Setup Mode after WiFi credentials setup
fix(ota): ensure the font can be updated later even when interrupted
feature(server): support connecting to SyncSign On-Premise Server (SOPS) in Wi-Fi standalone mode
feature(system): press trigger button for 10 times to force it go to sleep
improve(api): upload the battery level to server in Wi-Fi standalone mode
improve(api): add USERTrust RSA SSL certificate
improve(api): compatible with SyncSign’s new v2 OAUTH2 method
improve(led): use LED to indicate the WiFi-Connecting & WiFi-Connected steps
🐩 1.50 (2020-08-26)
Bug Fixes
fix(system): trival fixes
🌱 1.49 (2020-08-03)
Bug Fixes
fix(render): the URL cannot contain ‘=’ (query string) when fetching data from customize server
fix(ssl): built-in COMODO RSA Certification Authority
fix(ota): repeating OTA prompts
feature(render): wake up based on a work schedule (e.g., 8AM-18AM, repeats on Monday to Friday)
feature(ssl): allow user to customize the server’s SSL root certificate as trusted
🐳 1.48 (2020-07-23)
feature(font): support latin-basic, latin-Supplement, latin-Extended, and IPA Extensions (0x0020 ~ 0x02AF); upgrade by OTA
feature(dev): allows adding a “backpack” board, to control and send information to the 7.5-inch display to render on screen (UART)
improve(api): cache the access key and fetch only before expires
🌼 1.46 (2020-03-31)
feature(render): support Wi-Fi standalone mode
feature(dev): allows using customize server to provide screen information
🌼 1.42 (2020-01-15)
The first stable release
App / Portal¶
🍀 1.8.63 (2024-01-06)
feature(users): Add user name when registering a new user
feature(office365): Added O365 Privilege Management
fix(users): Fix known issues
🍀 1.8.62 (2024-01-02)
feature(node): Added support for BLE working mode setup in Display 7.5
feature(ui): Adjusted the UI of the device setup entry interface
feature(node): Added support for climate sensor-SS1
feature(node): Added temperature calibration functionality for ST7/ST8/ST7-CL
fix(node): Fix known issues
🍀 1.8.61 (2023-04-14)
feature(alerts): New Hub offline notification switch of Alerts
feature(setting): New unbinding function of Hub Settings
feature(authorization): New Office 365 authorization option
feature(hub): New Hub type H2
fix(node): Fix known issues
🍀 1.8.60 (2023-01-10)
feature(node): Added two new BLE Displays
feature(node): Added four new BLE Sensors
fix(node): Fix known issues
🍀 1.8.50 (2021-08-27)
feature(node): ST4 and new data acquisition interface, paging processing.
feature(node): Added Event fault event type.
feature(node): Added shortcut editing method for the display card.
feature(node): Adjust Node default value display.
feature(templates): New template for customizable fields
Bug Fixes
** Optimized NodeInfo and Shadow repeated loading issue when first entering.
🍀 1.8.47 (2020-10-15)
feature(node): Support adding temperature and humidity sensors
feature(node): Support adding occupancy sensor
feature(node): Support adding 7.5inch WiFi Mode
feature(templates): Support customized templates
feature(templates): More default templates added
feature(CSV): Support CSV batch update via Portal
feature(upgrade): Support upgrading the hub firmware via App / Portal
Bug Fixes
fix(system): Fix many problems and optimize some content
🚀 1.8.14 (2019-11-27)
feature(integrations): Support for Google Workspace (G Suite) Calendar
feature(integrations): Support for Google Calendar
feature(integrations): Supports Office 365 Calendar
feature(templates): Support users to select multiple default templates
feature(wifi): support for connecting wifi with enterprise level encryption(WPA2 Enterprise PEAP)
Performance Improvements
improve(rpc): MQTT status is more accurate
🚃 1.4.0 (2019-08-7)
feature(templates): Support preview display template function
fix(organization): Support Two-Factor Authentication
Performance Improvements
enhance(mqtt): Improved preview display template process
💥 1.0.0 (2019-06-26)
The first release of the app