Backpack Board Usage Guide


BACKPACK (V1.1) Board is built to extend the functionality of the SyncSign D75R e-ink display.

With BACKPACK, Developers will be able to design their own communication module, decide how to fetch the information, and when to show them on the e-ink screen.

The BACKPACK should contain batteries and serve as a power source. It will communicate with the CPU on the D75R via a standard UART port.

Board Layout


Board Description

Developers may design their own Extension Module and install it onto the BACKPACK board. By this way, the Extension Module will decide what to render on the e-ink screen, then control the power of D75R, and send the data over UART port.

As a demonstration, the BACKPACK provides a micro USB port. Please connect it to a host computer and install the CP2102 driver. Then, your computer will serve as the same function of the Extension Module.


Demonstration & Test

Prepare (hardware)

  • Set the SW2 to OFF

  • Install all the jumpers on J10

  • Connect the USB cable to host computer

Prepare (software)

  • Better to use a host computer which runs Mac/Linux, or WSL of Windows

  • Install the Python3 interpreters

  • Install the pip3 tool

  • Install the python library: pip3 install pyserial

  • Connect the USB port to your Linux/Mac host (You may required to install the CP2102 driver)

  • Check the serial port, e.g., /dev/ttyS1, /dev/SLAB_USBtoUART and modify the define in the example code

Test Procedure

  • Run the python3

  • When you see: [ MANUAL OPERATION ]: Control target power as ON now. Please switch the SW2 to ON

  • The D75R will send “HELLO” and “READDATA” to

  • Then the will send the render document to D75R, you should notice the e-ink screen is refreshing to the new content.

  • The D75R will send “BYE” when it’s done

  • Set the SW2 to OFF to turn off the power of D75R

Build Your Extension Module

The Extension Module should contain:

  • A MCU/CPU which can run in low power mode

  • A communication module, e.g. NB-IoT, LTE-M(eMTC).

  • A DC/DC, convert input from 5V/6V to a required voltage of extension module

Prepare the BACKPACK:

  • Set the SW2 to OFF

  • Remove all the jumpers on J10

  • Install 4 x AA batteries

  • Disconnect the USB cable to host computer

  • Install your Extension Module onto J5 & J9

Design of software:

  • When the Extension Module receives the screen data, it should turn on the power of the D75R (Just like switch the SW2 to on) by setting the CTRL-POWER pin to high level

  • Then, wait for the D75R sends HELLO and READDATA command

  • The Extension Module sends the render document to the D75R and wait for it completes the rendering. Then set the CTRL-POWER to low level

  • Note: the serial communication use SLIP protocol, please see buildSlipPacket() in


Circuit Schematic:


Example Code:

**** SyncSign Backpack Testing ****

This is a demo code runs on Linux/Mac.

1. Connect the USB port to your Linux/Mac host (You may required to install the CP2102 driver)
2. Check the serial port, e.g., /dev/ttyS1, /dev/SLAB_USBtoUART and modify the define in the code
3. Install the python library: `pip3 install pyserial`

How to test:
1. Manually set the power pin to HIGH on the demo board, then
2. `python3`

import serial
import binascii
import struct


ser = None

SS_HELLO            = 0xA0
SS_BYEBYE           = 0xA1
SS_READ_DATA        = 0x3F

layoutDocument = u"""
"items": [
    "type": "TEXT",
    "data": {
        "text": "HELLO WORLD",
        "font": "YANONE_KAFFEESATZ_44_B",
        "block": { "x": 24, "y": 30, "w": 496, "h": 60 }

""" Calculate checksum of a blob """
def checksum(data, state=CHECKSUM_MAGIC):
    for b in data:
        if type(b) is int:  # python 2/3 compat
            state ^= b
            state ^= ord(b)
    return state

def buildSlipPacket(cmd=None, data=b""):
    chk = checksum(data)
    packet = struct.pack(b'<BBHI', 0x01, cmd, len(data), chk) + data
    buf = b'\xc0' \
            + (packet.replace(b'\xdb',b'\xdb\xdd').replace(b'\xc0',b'\xdb\xdc')) \
            + b'\xc0'
    return buf

def readOnePacket():
    cachedData = b""
    packetReceived = bytearray()
    startReceived = False
    while not packetReceived:
        b =          # read one byte (timeout)
        if b == b'\xc0':
            if not startReceived:
                startReceived = True
                packetReceived[:] = cachedData
        elif startReceived:
            cachedData += b
    return packetReceived

def powerCtrl(on):
    print("[ MANUAL OPERATION ]: Control target power as", "ON" if on else "OFF", "now.")

def run():
    global ser
    ser = serial.Serial(UARTPORT, 115200, timeout=1)
    print('waiting for HELLO command')
    data = readOnePacket()
    if data == b'\x00\xa0\x00\x00\xef\x00\x00\x00':
        print("    >>> HELLO command received")
        ser.write(buildSlipPacket(SS_HELLO)) # say HELLO
        print('waiting for READDATA command')
        data = readOnePacket()
        if data == b'\x00\x3f\x00\x00\xef\x00\x00\x00':
            print("    >>> READDATA command received")
            ser.write(buildSlipPacket(SS_READ_DATA, bytes(layoutDocument, "utf-8"))) # say HELLO
            print('waiting for BYE command')
            data = readOnePacket()
            if data == b'\x00\xa1\x08\x00\xef\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff':
                print("    >>> BYE command received")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Example Code:



""" Calculate checksum of a blob """
def checksum(data, state=CHECKSUM_MAGIC):
    for b in data:
        if type(b) is int:  # python 2/3 compat
            state ^= b
            state ^= ord(b)
    return state

data = b'1234567890\xFF'
  • calc_checksum.c

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// Calculate checksum of a blob
uint8_t checksum(uint8_t *data, uint32_t len)
    uint8_t state = CHECKSUM_MAGIC;
    for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
        state ^= data[i];
    return state;

int main()
    uint8_t data[] = { '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', 0xFF };
    printf("0x%X\n", checksum(data, sizeof(data)));