Hub SDK Reference ============================================ *Written for ≥ v0.3.23, revision 2* Pan Nodes Database --------------------- getPanNodesInfo() - description - Get information about all nodes. The node information is automatically created and stored after successful pairing. The automatically created node information format is ``{nodeId:{'nwkAddr':nwkAddr}}``, e.g: :: { 2913150560251434379: { 'nwkAddr': 3478 }, 5149013418181165: { 'nwkAddr': 23258 } } - example - Print all ``nodeId`` and ``nwkAddr``: :: from core.db_pan_nodes import DBPanNodes displayNodes = DBPanNodes() nodes = displayNodes.getPanNodesInfo() for nodeId in nodes: print('nodeId: %s' % hex(nodeId)) nwkAddr = nodes[nodeId]['nwkAddr'] print('nwkAddr: %x' % nwkAddr) setPanNodesInfo(nodeDict = {}) - description - Set the information for nodes. - parameter - ``nodeDict``: Information for all nodes. - example - Set the name of the node: :: from core.db_pan_nodes import DBPanNodes displayNodes = DBPanNodes() nodes = displayNodes.getPanNodesInfo() nodeId = 2913150560251434379 if nodeId in nodes: nodes[nodeId]['name'] = 'TEST' displayNodes.setPanNodesInfo(nodes) .. Attention:: ``setPanNodesInfo()`` will write the file. This function should not be called too frequently,possibly, causing disk corruption.