Hub Plug-in Structure ============================================ Introduction -------------------------- The customized Hub Plug-in is a class called 'App'. The Hub's 'Core Manager' code will create an object of App at the end of the boot procedure, provided that the 'Developer Mode' or 'User Plug-in' enabled. The block __init__() will run first. Here is the minimum code of Hub Plug-in: :: class App: def __init__(self, mgr): print('Hello world') This python module must be named as and put it in the /app folder. This "hello-world" Plug-in only prints a line on the console. You can observe this over the WebRepl. - mgr: 'Core Manager' object - loop: the asyncio loop object - pan: local mesh network (Personal Area Network, PAN) object Now you may wonder, can I write a blocking code inside __init__()? The answer is No. You should complete the preparing job here as fast as possible. If you need to do a recurring task, use co-routine, please. Here is an example: :: import uasyncio as asyncio class App: def __init__(self, mgr): asyncio.create_task(self.loopTask('hello world')) async def loopTask(self, s): while True: print(s) await asyncio.sleep(10) The __init__() creates an async task: loopTask() which never exits. It prints 'hellow world' every 10s (simulated a 'slow task'). The loopTask() yields from the asyncio.sleep(), letting some other co-routine tasks running first. There are many co-routine tasks in system / SDK codes. So it's very important to yield, not block it. Please learn the asyncio here: